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Days 107 and 108: Hocus pocus gotta focus…

25 Apr

I came to a realization Saturday…I have a whole lot of trouble focusing.  I swear, my thoughts are so scattered sometimes, that I can’t make sense of them at all!  Same goes for my artwork.

While I love all the nifty crafty giggles I’ve done lately, I feel like my artwork is lacking direction.  I bounce around from project to project the same way I bounce from thought to thought.  It’s really annoying!  So….I decided to revisit an old idea and see where It can take me.

Remember my fat mermaids?  I did 2 drawings back to back in February exploring this idea.  Today’s post is actually a 2 day giggle.  I started it yesterday and finished it up today.  I didn’t want to post yesterday and ruin the surprise…

Baby got back!

Isn’t she lovely?  I call her “Jennifer,” because she’s got a J-Lo booty.  She’s 8″x10″ acrylic on glass with a collaged background.

Here she is framed.

I actually used a thrifted picture frame as the base.  I painted the mermaid on the glass in reverse, just like you’d paint a shop window.  Then I used assorted papers and string to make the background.  I’m really enjoying her luscious curves.

Hot damn!

By the way, did you know that a big ol’ badonkadonk is thought to help fight diabetes?  So says the NY Post.  Personally, I think it protects against diabetes the same way baldness gives you heart attacks… But that’s my cynical nature at work.

And this kinda of tabloid trash is why I keep declining a subscription to the Post!